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Автор - dinabueva

помогите пожалуйста с английским Cделайте предложения отрицательными.
1. The goods were in transit four days.
2. He immediately phoned to his office to report the loss.
3. Someone made repeated multiple incorrect password attempts.
4. The administrator saw a security alert on a computer screen.
5. The police completed the investigation into a loss of encrypted data.
6. The maintenance team repaired the fault in the jet engine.
7. The carton passed through the scanning portal.
8. That system kept an eye on security issues.
9. The major building companies asked the government about subsidiaries.
10. A sensor detected a change in surroundings and converted it into a signal which was read by an observer.


Автор - abonte

1. The goods weren't in transit four days.

2. He didn't immediately phone to his office to report the loss.

3. Someone didn't make repeated multiple incorrect password attempts.

4. The administrator didn't see a security alert on a computer screen.

5. The police didn't complete the investigation into a loss of encrypted data.

6. The maintenance team didn't repair the fault in the jet engine.

7. The carton didn't pass through the scanning portal.

8. That system didn't keep an eye on security issues.

9. The major building companies didn't ask the government about subsidiaries.

10. A sensor didn't detect a change in surroundings and didn't convert it into a signal which was read by an observer.

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