Автор - dinabueva

помогите пожалуйста с английским Cделайте предложения отрицательными..
1. The text describes basic steps to drill a surface hole.
2. The vapours of the different components condense on collectors at different heights.
3. Refining process involves removing the impurities.
4. Building cars takes a long time from research to final development.
5. Engineers modify existing parts and features for the new model.
6. Marketing team promotes final products.
7. We taste our products in different conditions.
8. Researchers analyze the answers and suggest the way to solve the problem.
9. The chemical industry covers the business that use chemical reaction to turn raw materials into different products.
10. Electrical engineering deals with the practical application of the theory of electricity.
11. Civil engineering covers different areas such as design and construction of roads, buildings, canals, airports, water-supply systems and so on.
12. Information systems collect, organize, store, process, retrieve and display information in different formats (text. video, and voice).
13. Logistics describe the organized movement of physical materials in a factory.
14. Vapour from the liquid escapes into the air.


Автор - abonte

1. The text doesntt describe basic steps to drill a surface hole.

2. The vapours of the different components don't condense on collectors at different heights.

3. Refining process doesn't involve removing the impurities.

4. Building cars doesn't take a long time from research to final development.

5. Engineers don't modify existing parts and features for the new model.

6. Marketing team doesn't promote final products.

7. We don't taste our products in different conditions.

8. Researchers don't analyze the answers and don't suggest the way to solve the problem.

9. The chemical industry doesn't cover the business that use chemical reaction to turn raw materials into different products.

10. Electrical engineering doesn't deal with the practical application of the theory of electricity.

11. Civil engineering doesn't cover different areas such as design and construction of roads, buildings, canals, airports, water-supply systems and so on.

12. Information systems don't collect, organize, store, process, retrieve and display information in different formats (text. video, and voice).

13. Logistics don't describe the organized movement of physical materials in a factory.

14. Vapour from the liquid doesn't escape into the air.

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