
Автор - nunny

1 How are you? i I'm fine thanks. And you?

2 How's your wife? p She's fine, thanks.

3 How do you do? t Pleased to meet you.

4 What do you do? u I'm a shop assistant.

5 See you! m OK, see you.

6 Is the meeting on Friday? o No, It isn't. It's on Thursday.

7 How are your parents? a They're fine, thanks,

8 I'm a doctor. b Oh, that's interesting.

9 I'm from Canada, What about you? c I'm from Germany.

10 Can I help you? f Yes, have you got any postcards?

11 Would you like a drink? q Yes, please. I'll have a coffee.

12 What time? s How about 9,00 am?

13 Where's room number 21? h Go upstairs. It's on the left.

14 I went to the new club last night. d That sounds great. Did you enjoy it?

15 We'd like to book a holiday. e Yes, where do you want to go?

16 Have you got them in size 30? g No, I'm sorry. We haven't.

17 Would you like to go hang-gliding? n Yes, That's a great idea.

18 What are you studying? j Blology

19 What's he like? k He's rather nice.

20 Was it good?  I Yes, it was fantastic!

21 Can I try them on? r Yes, the changing room's over there.

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