Автор - olegsavchenko228

Упражнение 3.
Вставьте предлоги on, in, at (предлоги места)
She waited for him ______the bus stop ______the end of Green Street.
This is the best cake ______the world!
My friend spent his holiday ______a small village ______the mountains.
There are a few shops ______the end of the street.
Let's meet ______the entrance to the Supermarket.
Petersburg is ______the Neva River.
Jane lives ______a two-room flat ______ the third floor.
Gerhard has some nice pictures hanging ______his office wall.
There's somebody______ the door.
There's somebody waiting ______the bus stop.
Wolfgang met Michaela______ the way to work.
His office is _____the top of the stairs.
There are lots of managers_______ my company


Автор - KsushaExpert




She waited for him at the bus stop at the end of Green Street.  

This is the best cake in the world!  

My friend spent his holiday in a small village in the mountains.  

There are a few shops at the end of the street.  

Let's meet at the entrance to the Supermarket.  

Petersburg is on the Neva River.  

Jane lives in a two-room flat on the third floor.  

Gerhard has some nice pictures hanging on his office wall.  

There's somebody at the door.  

There's somebody waiting at the bus stop.  

Wolfgang met Michaela on the way to work.  

His office is at the top of the stairs.  

There are lots of managers in my company.

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