Автор - orionvasilev

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))Вставьте some, any, no или их производные: 1. There was … in the street because it was very late. 2. …wants to see him. 3. Is there … here who knows this man? 4. Have you … books on Dickens? I want to read … about him. I have read … read by Dickens and I am interested in the Life of the writer. 5. Can … tell me how to get to the Public Library? – Yes, take … bus that goes from here towards the railway station and get off at the third stop. 6. Please bring me … apples, Mary. 7. That is a very easy question - … can answer it. 8. Are there … students here from Japan? 9. Do you know … here? 10. I am sure there is … inside, just knock louder! 11. Sally there is … downstairs who wants to speak to you. 12. She said she could recognize … because of their painted faces. 13. Everybody thinks he should buy … for the party. 14. … serious can come out of this. 15. …knows their new address


Автор - vleetaart


1. There was nobody in the street because it was very late. 2. somebody wants to see him. 3. Is there anybody here who knows this man? 4. Have you read books on Dickens? I want to read something about him. I have read … read by Dickens and I am interested in the Life of the writer. 5. Can anybody tell me how to get to the Public Library? – Yes, take any bus that goes from here towards the railway station and get off at the third stop. 6. Please bring me some apples, Mary. 7. That is a very easy question - anybody can answer it. 8. Are there any students here from Japan? 9. Do you know anybody here? 10. I am sure there is somebody inside, just knock louder! 11. Sally there is somebody downstairs who wants to speak to you. 12. She said she could recognize nobody because of their painted faces. 13. Everybody thinks he should buy something for the party. 14. something serious can come out of this. 15. nobody knows their new address


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