Автор - luba281002

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1) мой любимый магазин(глобус). Почему хожу туда ? Чем нравится?
2)последний поход в этот магазин. Что купила и с какой целью ?


Автор - lada0300

                                             My favorite store

My favorite store is called the globe. I go there when I don't have a pencil, or I run out of pen.But I especially like to go there because of interesting books. Recently I passed by the bookshelf and saw a lot of interesting books. Most of all among these books I was interested in a book about a funny mouse named Anna. I looked at her, but then I moved on because I had to go home.I went to the register and left the store.

  One day I went back to this store because my crayons broke.Again, I walked by the shelf with books and no longer resist and took the book. I bought a book instead of pencils.I love this store for interesting books in it


Автор - vikaaa0

My favourite store is “Globus”. I go there because this store is very big and I can buy many things here. “Globus” is near my house. Yesterday a was in “Globus”. I bought a lot of food, paper, soap and the food for my dog. I like this store so much!

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