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Автор - vlado44ka

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Проверено экспертом

Автор - Juliyasha11
  • A
    It WAS a beautiful winter morning and everything WAS covered in snow. Ann and Judy WERE WALKING slowly  through the forest on their way to the frozen lake.They WERE both very excited because they LOVED skating.
    When they REACHED the lake, the girls PUT on their skates and WALKED carefully onto the ice. “See! I TOLD you it was safe!” Ann SAID to Judy. “I DON’T KNOW  “ Judy SAID in a scared voice. “ What if we FALL through the ice? “ Don’t be silly !” Ann LAUGHED loudly as she WAS SKATING towards the middle of the lake.
    The trekkers WERE WALKING  slowly up the mountain path. Suddenly, they SAW
    a large figure above them. It LOOKED very strange, with a large head, broad  shoulders and thick black hair. The creature SCREAMED loudly. It SOUNDED  horrible, like the scream of a mad person. Then the figure RAN quickly behind the
    rock. When the trekkers GOT there, they SAW big footprints in the snow and some black hair on the rocks. The hair WAS dirty and SMELT terrible. The trekkers carefully TOOK photos. From that moment they STARTED to feel nervous and they SLEPT badly  that night. When they GOT back home, they DEVELOPED the photos. There was nothing there – only snow and rocks!

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