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Автор - RinatCR777

Choose between the two essay starters and write an essay entitled: “To lie or not to lie?”Tick the starter you’ve chosen. Then complete the essay with arguments or situations that support your point of view.
I’m dead against telling lies of any kind. If you allow yourself to tell a lie once, it will be that much easier to tell another one. Lies cannot help anybody. The truth will reveal itself anyway, but the previous lies will make the situation even more difficult to resolve.
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Автор - limerick
I think that lying is a very important issue which should always be
addressed seriously. Lying takes place everyday, by all kinds of people,
especially successful ones. It has become habit to some, and second
nature to others. Just like with anything there are always two sides of a
coin, or better yet, two sides of a story. However, from my perspective
lying is an immoral behavior which should not be condoned, unless the
justification exceeds the means. People often don’t realize the severity
of a little white lie and how many little white lies can turn into a
perpetual cycle of lying affecting the liar and the ones lied to.
Moreover, it could forever damage relationships, careers, and
reputations. Lying is probably one of the biggest ethical dilemmas which
currently exist. So the question still stands “to lie or not to lie?”
my answer is this, “it depends.”

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