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Автор - bgrbjb

Задание 3. Образуйте множественное число существительных, сделав все необходимые изменения.


This is a toy/ - These are toys.

That is a ship. - Those are shops.

It is a child. – They are children.

1. It is a long story. 2. This is a key. 3. That ia a new shop. 4. It is a fly.

5. It is a big country. 6. He is a chief. 7. It is a black cat. 8. That is a clever dog. 9. It is an orange. 10. He is a nice boy. 11. It is a strange fish. 12. She is a good wife. 13. It is a bad tooth. 14. It is a yellow leaf. 15. It is a beautiful deer. 16. That is a new potato. 17. This is a red roof. 18. It is my file. 19. She is a wonderful child. 20. It is a white sheep.


Автор - Vica176

1. They are long stories.

2. These are keys.

3. Those are new shops.

4. They are flies.

5. They are big countries.

6. They are chiefs.

7. They are black cats.

8. Those are clever dogs.

9. They are oranges.

10. They are nice boys.

11. They are strange fish.

12. They are good wives.

13. They are bad teeth.

14. They are yellow leaves.

15. They are beautiful deer.

16. Those are new potatoes.

17. These are red roofs.

18. They are my files.

19. They are wonderful children.

20. They are white sheep.

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