Автор - 12nikita13

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When I got the call from a family that there was a Koala in their backyard, I thought it was just going to be a routine call. These words came from Vicki Pender of the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services . Koala bears roam around in search of food. If they see a Eucalyptus tree, they go straight for it regardless of where it is. When I got there it was obvious the Koala was restless. I had to give her an injection to calm her down. Just then, I heard a loud cry from a tree nearby. It was her little Joey screaming for its mum! Joey is what a baby Koala is called. Vicki realised just then how critical it was to help the mother Koala.
Baby Koalas or Joeys are completely dependent on their mums and have very specialised diets. They cannot survive on their own for very long. At that point, I turned my attention to the baby and coaxed it out of the tree. Luckily, mum and Joey were rescued and had a short stay in the animal hospital. Before long, they were released into the wild again. Together they disappeared into the leaves, happy to settle in for some dinner


Автор - arsIvan


When I got the call from a family that there was a Koala in their backyard, I thought it was just going to be a routine call.Koala bears roam around  in search of food.When I got there it was obvious the Koala was restless. I had to give her an injection. I heard a loud cry from a tree nearby. It was her little Joey screaming for its mum! Before long, they were released into the wild again。

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