Категория - Английский язык Автор - Vladusa11 5 лет назад read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words. Hello everyone! I'm Rita from Czech Republic and l ___ to tell you about theree seasons in my country. Why three? Because l hate autumn:) (остольное на фото)
Категория - Английский язык Автор - Vladusa11 5 лет назад read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words. Hello everyone! I'm Rita from Czech Republic and l ___ to tell you about theree seasons in my country. Why three? Because l hate autumn:) (остольное на фото)
Ответ Проверено экспертом Автор - parljukljuba Ответ:BlowsSkatingSkiingFoggyLovelyRainyWindySunnyAreChildren