Bob said that online we could discuss things about ourselves the we wouldn’t reveal in real life.
Peter said that he didn’t understand how anyone could just do one thing at a time, he would be so bored.
Lana said that most of us cared about the world, for it would be ours and we wanted it to be the best.
Justin asked what things in his life mattered most to him. He said school-work and how hard he had to study at it was one thing. He said another was his friends.
Beatrice agreed that video games and facebook were topics of conversation, but we didn’t revolve our lives around them. She said at her school, the emphasis on helping others was huge. She said the year before that had sent students to Cambodia to teach English and build houses. She said she was sure they would continue volunteering.
Nick said that he believed that most young people were good and would grow up to be good citizens. He said many of his peers agreed that kids were more tolerant than they had been 20 years before.