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Автор - veronika0807ver14

пожалуйста помогите написать письмо срочно !!!​


Автор - Alibasta

I've been wanting to stop in to visit and just hug you but I haven't. I was trying to fall asleep tonight and I was imagining going in to visit, snuggling up in the peek-a-boo room, having a real heart to heart. I was going over all the things my heart wants to say to you, honestly and openly. But I don't know if I can do it without embarrassing myself silly with tears and emotions. :) So forgive my cowardice. Coming from a family such as ours, and my newfound understanding of Mum and how she became who she was as a result of circumstance and experience and pain, I understand better now more of who I am and by extension, more of who you are as well. And when I look back, the picture becomes so clear and I feel you blossom before me into something even more beautiful than I'd seen even then. So I decided I was going to write it down instead.That way you can read it privately with no expectations for either of us. It just feels better this way, for me. :)

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