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Автор - mukhanovasairash

Помогите ответит на эти вопросы срочно:
1. “The Natural World” what does it mean to you?
2. Have you ever been injured by an animal? If so, what is the story behind?
3. How do you think the world will look in 50 years’ time?
4. Do you think we are doing enough to save endangered species? Give some examples.
Use the following phrases:
In my opinion …
I think …
In my view …
I agree with …
I see your point …
I support your view …
I take a different view …
I don’t agree with …
I see your points, but …


Автор - vikatish

1. For me “The Natural World” means wildlife, when animals have freedom and live in the natural environment.

2. I have been injured by a homeless dog when I was a child. I was frightened, because it was suddenly. I went home when a dog tried to bite me. I think the dog was ill.

3. I think, in 50 years’ time the world will have many high technologies that would improve our life and our environment.

4. I don’t agree that people are doing enough to save endangered species. In my opinion, endangered species will always suffer from people. I hope, that people will do much thing to protect them.

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