Автор - zira1406

16. He__
(to come back in two days.
a) comes
b) will come
c) would come
d) came
e) will be coming
17. She__
(to study) at 8 o'clock this evening.
a) will study
b) studies
c) would study
d) will be studying
e) is studying
18. Choose the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice: The matter
(to discuss) at the next meeting.
a) is discussed
will be discussed
c) was discussed
d) will have been discussed
e) is being discussed
19. St. Paul's Cathedral
(to design) by Christopher Wren.
a) is designed
b) is being designed
c) was designed
d) will be designed
e) was being designed
20. She__
(to tell) a wonderful story by her Granny now.
a) was being told
b) is told
c) told
d has been told
e) is being told
21. The old church__
(to reconstruct) lately.
a) has been reconstructed
b) has reconstructed
c) was reconstructed
d) was being reconstructed
e) have been reconstructed
22. Choose the correct Modal verb: Jack
run for two hours
without stopping.
a) must
b) can c)may d) ought e) have​


Проверено экспертом

Автор - slyuda1955

16 b

17 d

18 will be discussed

19 c

20 e

21 a

22 b

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