Автор - makarovamiraqw23

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Автор - tereshin21


Fame is popularity, celebrity, fame. There are many famous people. These are athletes, actors, singers, politicians. To be this means to achieve great success in a certain area, to show good results, while a person has almost no personal space, famous people are always in sight. Fame happens worldwide, European or All-Russian, deserved or unexpected, scandalous, loud. The consequence of fame can be called increased attention of journalists. Famous people are all purposeful, persistent. All of them worked hard to become famous. They managed to develop their abilities in such a way that they achieved success. Many of them began their journey to fame as a child. Of course, for the sake of success, famous people sacrificed a lot. Some spent their health, others forgot about their personal lives. But they forget about difficulties when they are at the pinnacle of success. Everyone listens to them, millions look at them, everyone listens to their opinion, the programs are shot about them. Of course, you can strive for fame, but not necessarily. You just have to do your job well, give all your strength to the work. And if you become famous, it is important to remain a person who thinks about others, to help those who need it, to do charity work. There are many famous people who are examples for others. These are well-known doctors who saved many lives, scientists, completely new discoveries. The most important thing is to be the right people.


Автор - nurainurgali564




Fame is popularity, celebrity, fame. There are many famous people. These are athletes, actors, singers, politicians. To be famous means to achieve great success in any field, to show good results, while a person has almost no personal space, famous people are always in sight. Fame happens worldwide, European or All-Russian, deserved or unexpected, scandalous, loud. The consequence of fame can be called increased attention of journalists. Famous people are all purposeful, persistent. They all worked hard to become famous. They managed to develop their abilities in such a way that they achieved success. Many of them began their journey to fame as a child. Of course, for the sake of success, famous people sacrificed a lot. Some spent their health, others forgot about their personal lives. But they forget about difficulties when they are at the pinnacle of success. Everyone listens to them, millions look at them, everyone listens to their opinion, broadcasts about them. Of course, you can strive for fame, but not necessarily. You just have to do your job well, give all your strength to the work. And if you become famous, it is important to remain a person who thinks about others, to help those who need it, to do charity work. There are many famous people who are examples for others. These are famous doctors who saved many lives, scientists who made important discoveries. The most important thing is not to be famous, but to be the right people.

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