I have a tree house. My father built it when I was 7. Now I'm 12 and I still love to play in it. I have a younger sister with whom we play in the house in tea drinking or other games. I can get my friends to play in the cabin. When you go into the house then immediately look falls on a beautiful rug in the middle of the room. On the left is my little crib. And on the right is the Cabinet where you store all the toys. This house is my dream come true. I love this house. I hope that you will have the same!
У меня есть домик на дереве. Мой отец построил его когда мне было 7. Сейчас мне 12 и я до сих пор люблю в нём играть. У меня есть младшая сестра с которой мы играем в домике в чай питие или другие игры. Я могу позвать своих друзей поиграть в домике. Когда заходишь в домик то сразу взгляд падает на красивый коврик посреди комнаты. Слева стоит моя маленькая кроватка. А справа шкаф где хранятся все игрушки. Этот домик моя сбывшаяся мечта. Я люблю этот домик. Надеюсь что у вас будет такой же!
Надеюсь помогла, желаю удачи в дальнейшем!
Parents usually put a house on a tree to their children.
Personally, I have never had this. Such houses need to be placed on a summer cottage or near a private house in the garden. А treehouse is the dream of any child. I always wanted to have such a house. But we have three miserable birch trees growing in the country. And no dream. And my girlfriend had a tree house. Аnd she played there with her brother. And I stood in the rain and envied them. And yet it was a cool idea - to put a tree house.