Автор - Michaelkors

Нужно из прямой, переделать в косвенную. Товарищи, спасите годовая оценка, повисла))))
1. Masha said, " Iwill see you in the morning".
2. Boris said. " I go to the south every year".
3. He said."I am going to a ski resort tomorrow".
4. Ann said to us "They haven't come yet"
5. She said to us," They arrived in St Petersburg yesterday".
6.They asked us;"Will you help us"
7. Mary asked; "Why don't you want to swim in the pool,Sam?"
8.The doctor said to Sam;"Don't eat meat!"
9.Nick said, "I have never been to London."
10.He said,"I will not stay with my friends too long"
11.He said tj me ,"They are staying at the Grand Hotel Europe"
12.He said,"They left last Monday."
13.She said, "You can leave the key with the maid upstairs."
14.I asked; "Do you like this dinner, Nick?"
15.Masha asked me;"What university are you going to enter?"
16.The customer said to the shop-assistant ;"Show me tnis sweater, please!"


Автор - yuliyasamoylenko39


1. Masha said she would see you in the morning.

2. Boris said he went to the south every year.

3. He said he was going to a ski resort the next day.

4. Ann said to us they hadn't come yet.

5. She said to us they had arrived in St Petersburg the previous day .

6.They asked us whether we would help them.  

7. Mary asked why  Sam didn't want to swim in the pool.

8.The doctor said to Sam not to eat meat!

9.Nick said he had never been to London.

10.He said he would not stay with his friends too long.

11.He said to me they were staying at the Grand Hotel Europe".

12.He said they had left the previous  Monday."

13.She said you could leave the key with the maid upstairs."

14.I asked whether Nick liked that dinner.

15. Masha asked me what university I was going to enter.

16.The customer said to the shop-assistant to s how him/her that sweater.


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