Автор - myyyp28

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Автор - DIMASEK1



A. 1) MbI noeieM 3aBTpa 3a ropo ecn oyne xopoa orona 2) A He CMOry MHe IIPETCH OCTaTbc 3rec OCJIE paooTbl. 3) нпххт бам токсик нпхэтч 3аБтпа паХо BCTABATB? 4) ECJIH B norona, HaM ImpMeTCH OCTATBCA B ropoe. S) ОХА БЕПХЕЦК АЕКАТ АКАМ БЕВЕПА? 6) Как ToibKo OH BepHeTc, CMOKeb MPHHTH B KOJIJIEA, y TeoA BIcOka TeMITeparypa. 8) ойай па чоба ьбнэтб бац б моккбэ. 9) CKoJIbKO BPEMEHH HaM K Teoe cerOA, e cyoooTy 6yer ILIOXA BaM IIO3BOHHO. 7) BOKOCB, 4TO TBI He norpeoyeca, YTOOBI oopaTscs BaM IIOHPABHTCA HaIa HOBA KBapTHpa. 11) 3rec 6yner TenepoH? Тына? 10) AAyMaio, CTOSTB IIHaHHHo. 12) Koräa y Bac


Автор - vivifrance
1. We will go to the country tomorrow if the weather is fine.
2. I won’t be able to come to your place today if I have to stay here after work.
3. Will you have to wake up early tomorrow as well?
4. If the weather is bad on Saturday, we will have to stay in town.
5. Will she be back by 10 o’clock in the evening?
6. As soon as he comes back, I will call you.
7. I’m afraid you won’t be able to go to the college because you have a high fever.
8. I will be glad to see you in Moscow again.
9. How much time will it take us to get there by bus?
10. I think you will like our new flat.
11. There will be a piano.
12. When will you have a phone?
13. Why won’t you go to your classes? I’m having a flue.

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