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нужно перевести эти предложения в passive voice, помгите пожалуйста!


Автор - Morandu


1. A lot of money was stolen from the shop.

2. By six o’clock the work had been finished by them.

3. At twelve o’clock the trucks were being loaded by the workers.

4. By three o’clock the trucks had been loaded by the workers.

5. Every year our daughter is sent by us to rest in the south .

6. This film will be shown by them on TV.

7. A new concert hall is being built by them in our street.

8. Potatoes were bought yesterday by me.

9. The books will be brought by us tomorrow.

10. The clock is being repaired by them now.

11. Milk is sold by them in this shop.

12. The whole text has been translated by me.

13. Last week the window was broken by them.

14. When I came home, the sweets had been eaten by them.

15. The work will be done by us in the evening.

16. This book was written by him in the 19th century.

17. Tennis was being played by them from four till five.

18. A number of important experiments have been made by them in this laboratory.

19. Central Africa was explored by Livingstone in the 19th century.

20. All the trees had been planted by us by the middle of autumn .

21. This play will be staged by them at the beginning of next season.

22. The story has been forgotten by them.

23. Have the rules of the game been explained to you by anybody?

24. My skates haven’t been brought back by them.

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