Автор - korneta1985

Choose the proper item.

1. I’d like to know the _____ opinion about this item of news.

1) editor’s-in-chief 2) editor-in-chief’s 3) editor-in-chief

2. It’s his new _____ car.

1) sport’s 2) sports’ 3) sports

3. Jane took _____ bag instead of his own.

1) somebody’s else 2) somebody else 3) somebody else’s

4. _____ luggage was not well attended to.

1) A passengers’ 2) Passengers’ 3) Passenger’s

5. The students borrowed _____ notes.

1) each other’s 2) each’s other 3) each others’

6. It’s amazing what a _____ hotel can do to revive your spirits.

1) five stars’ 2) five-star 3) five-star’s

7. A woman stepped out from _____ and waved to us.

1) hairdresser 2) the hairdressers’ 3) the hairdresser’s

8. How many of ___ novels have you read?

1) Dicken’s 2) Dickens’ 3) Dickens

9. He was on his _____ walk to Berkley.

1) two mile’s 2) two-miles 3) two miles’

10. My _____ parents have decided to move to the country.

1) sister’s-in-law 2) sister-in-law’s 3) sister-in-law


Автор - sitkinv


Choose the proper item.  

1. I’d like to know the _____ opinion about this item of news.

2) editor-in-chief’s

2. It’s his new _____ car.

3) sports

3. Jane took _____ bag instead of his own.

1) somebody’s else

4. _____ luggage was not well attended to.

2) Passengers’

5. The students borrowed _____ notes.

1) each other’s

6. It’s amazing what a _____ hotel can do to revive your spirits.

2) five-star

7. A woman stepped out from _____ and waved to us.

3) the hairdresser’s

8. How many of ___ novels have you read?

2) Dickens’

9. He was on his _____ walk to Berkley.

3) two miles’

10. My _____ parents have decided to move to the country.

2) sister-in-law’s


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