Автор - AliyaRose070810

Jill: Where .................. you going? Into town?
Jack: Yes. I'm going to get a new ........1......... of jeans.
Jill: ................. you get me a few things from the supermarket?
Jack: Yes, of course. What .................. we need?
Jill: Well, we need .................. coffee and a ................. of milk. And
also, how ................. eggs have we got?
Jack: Only three. And there ........7......... much bread, either.
Jill: OK. That's eggs, bread, milk, coffee ... And what ................. you
like for dinner? How about two steaks and a bottle of wine?
Jack: Yes, that's a good idea. Oh - wait a minute. I haven't got
.............. money for all those things. I've ........10......... got £20.
Jill: That's OK. You can ........ 11......... by credit card at the supermarket.
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Автор - guidingstar


0. are

1. pair

2. Can

3. do

4. some

5. bottle

6. many

7. isn’t

8. would

9. enough

10. only

11. pay


Jill: Where are you going? Into town?

Jack: Yes. I’m going to get a new pair  of jeans.

Jill: Can you get me a few things from the supermarket?

Jack: Yes, of course. What do  we need?

Jill: Well, we need some  coffee and a bottle of milk. And  also, how many  eggs have we got?

Jack: Only three. And there isn’t   much bread, either.

Jill: OK. That’s eggs, bread, milk, coffee… And what  would   you  like for dinner? How about two steaks and a bottle of wine?

Jack: Yes, that’s a good idea. Oh – wait a minute. I haven’t got
 enough money for all those things. I’ve only   got £20.

Jill: That’s OK. You can  pay by credit card at the supermarket.

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