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Автор - fatimagus21


  1. We have learned a lot about computers at school.
  2. I have read about tablets and I have used my friend's.
  3. My dad has spent a lot of money on gadgets.
  4. My mum has had three jobs in her life.
  5. My brother has bought a new net book.
  6. My friend has started writing a blog.
  7. Students from my class have won five English competitions.
  8. I have written a lot of emails in my life.
  9. Mark has uploaded his photos to the Internet. Let's look at them.


  1. She has won a lot of money and is going to spend it on holidays.
  2. He has finished his homework and he can relax now.
  3. He has lost his mobile phone and he doesn't know where it is.
  4. They have bought a lot of clothes and haven't got any money left.
  5. He has passed all his exams and his parents are very pleased with him.
  6. They have spent all their money on money on computer games.
  7. She has sent an email to her friend and is waiting for her friend to write back.
  8. I have started a new job. It's hard work but I like it.


Глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные. У правильных во второй и третьей форме прошедшего времени будет иметься окончание -ed. В свою очередь неправильные глаголы не подчиняются этому правилу, на то они и неправильные. Каждый глагол имеет свои формы, которые просто нужно запомнить. В конце учебника или в интернете можно найти таблицу с самыми частоупотребляемыми из них.

Построение такой временной формы глагола как Present Perfect состоит из: have + 3 форма глагола.


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