
Автор - sitkinv


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Автор - nunny

Last summer went (go) to Los Angeles to stayed with my cousin for a few weeks. One afternoon we (were having) lunch in a nice restaurant in the centre of town when my cousin (got) a call on her mobile phone and went outside to talk. While she (was speaking) to her friend, I suddenly (noticed) a man in a black hat who (was sitting) at the next table. It was the actor Johnny Depp! He was alone, and I (decided) to take my chance. So I got up and went to his table. "Excuse me, could I have my photo taken with you?' I asked. He 10 (said) yes, so I (stopped) a waitress who (was passing) by and gave her my camera. She (took) the photo of me and Johnny, I thanked them both, and then I returned to my table. When my cousin (came) back, I (was smiling).

'Why are you looking so pleased with yourself?' she asked. I had my photo taken with Johnny Depp.

'Johnny Depp? Where is he?

"He's sitting over there. Look!"

She turned around to look and then started to laugh.

"That's not Johnny Depp!"

I (looked) at the man in the black hat - he (was laughing) too.

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