Автор - Maineman

Тест 4
Выберите правильный вариант.
1. When he was going away to the weekend he______his
neighbour water the lawn.
a) got c) requested
b) has d) had
2. While my brother has excellent eyesight, he______hard
of hearing.
a) has c) was
b) is d) isn't
3. It's important that all luggage_______for identification
before being loaded into the aircraft.
a) to be labeled c) should be labeled
b) must be labeled d) be labeled
4. The______purpose of the jury system is to allow people
to participate in the judicial process.
a) most c) very
b) least d) much
5.______we manage the environment better, there will not
be adequate supplies of natural resources for future gen¬erations.
a) as long as c) till such time
b) not until d) unless
6. Chicory______and mixed with coffee to make a darker
a) is grinded c) is ground
b) is grind d) is grinden
7. When Disney watched children play in the park, he wished that there______be a park where they could have fun.
a) would b) should
с) must d) will
8. Since ancient times silver______to human beings.
a) is known c) is being known
b) has been known d) has been knowing
9. A rocket propellant consists of a fuel and______oxidizer.
a) a c) an
b) the d) -
10. The three business partners decided to end their partner¬ship due to a dispute______them.
a) between c) among
b) in the middle of d) by
11. You'd better______from work tomorrow.
a) not be absent c) not to be absent
b) not to absent d) not absenting
12. Rice is the staple diet of______Asians.
a) a large amount of c) most
b) much d) number of
13. When I last saw them, the police______the robbers
down the street.
a) were chasing c) chased
b) was chasing d) were on a chase
14. The pictures of Loch Ness show a reptile of the Mesozoic era whic are______to be extinct many years ago.
a) presumably c) presumptuous
b) presumed d) is presumed
15. He is______his uncle.
a) taller c) as tall as
b) as tall d) the tallest
16. The trapeze artist who ran away with the clown______.
the lion tamer's heart.
a) broke away c) broke
b) broke down d) broken down
17.______people study Latin seriously, while most seem to
prefer Spanish, Italian and the like.
a) little c) many
b) few d) much of
18. In 1871 a fire in Chicago destroyed______1,800 build¬ings.
a) many c) just as
b) the same as d) as many as
19.______obtained by heating coal in the absence of air is
known as coal gas.
a) a gas c) the gas that
b) a gas that d) the gas
20.______is the science of making artificial replacements
for parts of the human body.
a) prosthetics c) a prosthetic
b) prosthetic d) the prosthetics


Автор - juliatasley


1. d) had

2. d) isn't

3. d) be labeled

4. c) very

5. d) unless

6. c) is ground

7.a) would

8. b) has been known

9. c) an

10. c) among

11. a) not be absent

12. c) most

13. a) were chasing

14. b) presumed

15. c) as tall as

16. c) broke

17. b) few

18. d) as many as

19.  d) the gas

20. d) the prosthetics

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