
Автор - nunny

Practice Test 2

For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or best fits each spaces

There is an example at the beginning (O)

Recycling in the office

Probably one of the most exciting new b inventions in the field of recycling is a machine that can clean used photocopier paper, The device, (T) a called a decopler, uses  a mixture of chemicals to loosen the ink from the paper. A brute then (2) c removes the ink, (3) b leaving the paper clean and ready to be re-used. (4) d According to the manufacturers, nothing like this has appeared on the market (5) c before. They ciaim that the machine is (6) b able of cleaning a single sheet of paper at least five times. This is because the damage (7) d done to the paper by the cleaning chemicals is compensated for by by a special chemical which causes an increase (8) b in the strength of the paper.

It is predicted that the machine will (9) a catch on despite the high (IO) b cost. The Initial price of &30,000 will probably be too high for small companies but they will either be able to (11) d rent one for a reasonable monthly sum or wait for a (12) a slightly smaller, cheaper version to be launched. Multinational comanies will have a golden (13) a chance to do their bit for the environment and will save $30,000 within 18 months, assuming they use 1000 sheets of paper a day. In addition to saving money and the environment, the machine will, to a great. (14) b extent, provide a (15) d way to improve security as it offers an alternative to shredding highly confidential documents.

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