Автор - Qwhite

Complete the email with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect tense of the verb in

Hi there Mom and Dad!
I (not/be) sure about the Summer Camp when I first heard about it, but I 2)
have) the most amazing time since I got here! And to think that it wasn't so long ago that I
3) (pack) my bags and 4)
(kiss) you goodbye! Two weeks down and three to ge!
Every day we have new guest speakers and the talks 5) (be) fascinating so far, at least until
yesterday when Peter 6)
(have) to cancel because of a cancelled flight.
Our camp leaders then 7)
(decide) to
bring us to the laboratory, and we 8)
eggshell geode crystals instead. Well, you know that
I 9)
(do) a lot of different experiments in
my life, but this one 10)
(be) truly cool, and
unlike my chemistry experiments gone wrong, nothing
The world of science sure 12)
(change) a
lot in the last few years! 13)
(you/hear) about
the discovery of water on Mars? Last August the Mars
Orbiter 14
(use) an imaging spectrometer
and 15)
(detect) presence of hydrated minerals.
This confirmed what NASA 16)
(suspect)! We
(learn) so much about our Solar System
since we first 18)
(land) on the Moon and these
are things that 19)
(seem) impossible to study
just one hundred years back!
This 20)
(be) such an amazing opportunity
and I love every minute.


Автор - saidumarotabekovich


I was not sure about the Summer Camp when I first heard about it but I had the most amazing time since I got here! I packed my bags and kissed you goodbye! Every day we have new guest speakers and the talks were fanscinating so far, at least until yesterday when Peter had to cancel because of a cancelled fight. Our camp leaders then  decided do bring us to the laboratory, and we made eggshell geode crystals instead. I did a lot of different experiments in my life , but this one was truly cool and unlike my chemistry experiments gone wrong, nothing exploded.The world of science sure changed a lot in the last few years! You heard about the discovery of water on Mars? Last August the Mars Orbiter 14 used an imaging spectrometer and detected presence of hydrated minerals. This confirmed what NASA suspected! We learned so much about our Solar System since we first landed on the Moon and these are things that seemed impossible to study just one hundred years back! This was such an amazing opportunity an I love evere minute

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