Автор - wersus2020

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1. What is____ longest river in the world?
a) a b) the c) –
2. It is rather dangerous to walk on____ after the rain.
a) roofs b) roofes c) rooves
3. ____ are flowers of life.
a) childs b) children c) childrens
4. You are ____ who asks me this question.
a) five b) fifth c) the fifth
5. The situation is____ than I thought.
a) more bad b) badder c) worse
6. The building ______ two years ago.
a) destroyed b) was destroyed c) was destroying
7. I ____ this book when you were at school.
a) read b) was read c) was reading
8. We were having dinner when she ____.
a) come b) came c) had come
9. He____ French for two years and doesn`t even know the alphabet.
a) studies b) is studying c) has been studying
10. We decided____extra risks.
a) to not take b) not to take c) not take


Автор - greykitten


1.  b) the

2. a) roofs

3. b) children

4. c) the fifth

5. c) worse

6. b) was destroyed

7. c) was reading

8. b) came

9. c) has been studying

10. b) not to take



Автор - slyuda1955

1 b

2 a

3 b

4 c

5 c

6 b

7 c

8 b

9 c

10 b

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