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Автор - werty12345678

Упражнение 1 Переписать предложение, подчеркнуть сказуемое,

определить и написать время в предложении.

Пример: Joe has crashed his car three times since Christmas.- Present Perfect

1 He often cuts himself.

2 What time did John arrive?

3 I never forget anything.

4 Are you sitting comfortably?

5 We drank a lot of Coke at the party.

6 It was raining all night.

7 The train will leave in a few minutes.

8 I put on a clean shirt yesterday.

9 I drive home from work every day.

10 What did you eat for dinner?

11 I’m driving from work.

12 My brother lives in Chicago.

13 I have never been to space.

14 We’re having a great time on vacation.

15 I’m thinking about taking a trip around the world.

16 I have travelled the world.

17 He will have been eating his pizza.

18 I was recording a class for Youtube when you called.

19 Kate has met the President.

20 What are you doing now?

21 The sky is blue.

22 I watch the TV.

23 How many hours do you work a week?

24 He has worked here for 5 years.

25 We have been in a relationship for three months.

26 She has already written 40 books.

27 Mother will bath the baby in a small tub.


Автор - Klymenko29

1) Present Simple

2) Past Perfect

3) Future Simple

4)Past Perfect

5)Past Perfect

6)Past Perfect

7)Future Simple

8)Past Perfect

9) Present Simple

10) Past Perfect

11) Present Progressive

12) Present Simple

13) Present Progressive

14) Present Simple

15) Present Progressive

16) Past Perfect

17) Future Simple

18) Past Progressive

19) Past Simple

20) Present Simple

21) Present Simple

22)Present Progressive

23) Present Simple

24) Past Perfect

25)Past Progressive

26) Past Perfect

27) Present Progressive

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