
Автор - Yiruma

Complete the sentences 

1-She said she was enjoying her new job.

2-She said she was not hungry.

3-but he said he needed it.

4-but she said she didn't want to go.

5-She said I could have it.

6-He said he would send me a postcard.

7-Nicole said he had gone home.

8-He said he wanted to watch TV.

9-She said she was going to the cinema.


Write saysaid or telltold
























































Автор - lnevos

2. She said that  she was very busy.

3. she said that  she couldn't go to the party.

4. He said that  he had to go out.

5. He said that  he was learning Russian.

6. She said  that she didn't feel  very well.

7. They said that they would be home late.

8. She said that she had just come back from the holiday.

9. She said that she was going to buy a new computer.

10. They said that they had not got a key.


2. she said she was not hungry.

3. he said he needed it.

4. she didn't want to go.

5.  she said I could have it.

6. he said he would send me a postcard.

7. Nicole said he had gone home.

8. he said he wanted to watch TV.

9. she said she was going to the cinema.


3. said

4. told

5. tell

6. say

7. said

8. told

9. tell

10. say

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