
Автор - nunny


Past Simple - Past Continuous

While we were hiking up the mountain, it started raining.

I was cycling down Pershing Street when the police stopped me.

Complete using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Last April, my uncle (1) (invited) my sister and me to join him and his children on a skiing holiday in Almaty. On the first day at the Shymbulak ski resort, Uncle Kenes (2) (booked) a morning of lessons for us, and while we (3) (were learning) how to stop and change direction, he (4) (was enjoying) a cup of hot chocolate. At some point, I (5) (concentrated) so hard on my ski movements that I (6) (did not look) where I (7) (was going). As a result, I (8) (crashed) into my sister, Anal, and she (9) (fell) down. The instructor (10) (did not see) us because he (11) (was showing) another person in the group how to hold her ski poles when the accident (12) (happened). However, as soon as he (13) (heard) Arai scream in pain, he (14) (ran) over to us. Unfortunately, Arai and I had both sprained our ankles! So, for the rest of the week, while our cousins (15) (were having) fun on the ski slopes, Arai and I (16) (spent) our time going up and down the mountains on the chair lifts and cable cars. The views (17) (were) spectacular, so we still (18) (felt) very lucky to be in such an amazing place. Hopefully, we'll be luckier in the future and actually learn how to skii.

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