Автор - anastasiakot2017

Test yourself.
1. Past Simple. Put the verbs into the correct form, positive or negative.
a) The film wasn't very good. I to enjoy) it very much.
b) It was war, so 1 (to take) of my coat.
c) We went to Kate's house but she (to be) at home.
d) The window was open and a bird (to fly) into the room.
e) I was very tired, so I (to go to bed early.
2. Present Perfect
a). Somebody (to break) the shop windar.
b). They (to be) to St. Petersburg several times.
c). I to meet) that man before.
d). Covel (just /to buy) a new camera,
6). I (to finish) the letter Have you looked at it?
D. (To speat) you to mary about it?
Write passive sentence.
Somebody cleans the room every day.
Lx. The room is cleaned every day.
1) People use this road very often.
2) People advised us not to go out alone.
3). They asked me some difficult questions.
4). He read an interesting book yesterday.
5). The postman bring letters from Jane every day.
6). Pupils wrote many new words last lesson.
I o. - thriller, textbook, romance
Il B. science fiction, article, biography ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО!!! ​


Автор - kostya16romanov
1. Past Simple
a. didn’t enjoy
b. took off
c. wasn’t
d. flew
e. went to bed early

Present Perfect
a. has broken
b. have been
c. have met
d. has just bought
6. have finished
D. Не могу написать, так как некоторые из этих слов нет в английском.

1) The road is used very often.
2) We were advised not to go out alone.
3) I was asked some difficult questions.
4) An interesting book was read by him yesterday.
5) Letters from Jane are brought by the postman every day.
6) Many new words were written by pupils last lesson.

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