Автор - N14otak

What are you reading? What books do you like reading?
What genre do you like to read? What types of books do you read?
What are you favorite books?
How many books have you read?
What is your favorite book’s writer? Who are your favorite authors?
Why do you like to read?
When do you learned to read?
What reading helped you with?
Do you read magazines?
I think reading is a hard work, isn’t it?
Do you find reading is a difficult work?
Which book made you feel worm sense?
Do you write anything article or book by yourself? Can you write the book yourself?
What do you write about?
What do you read about? Ответ должен быть на англиском


Автор - Kim1949

-I am reading a poem.

-I like reading electronic books.

-My best loved genre of book is fantasy.

-Usually I read books with short stories.

-"Harry Potter" is my favourite book.

-I have read 13 books.

-Joan Rolling is author of my favourite book.

-I like to read because it kills time.

-I learned to read when I was only 5 years old.

-Reading helped me to expand my vocabulary.

-I don't read any magazines.

-I agree that reading is hard work.

-I find reading is interesting and easy work.

-"The fault in our stars" made me feel warm sense.

-I don't write articles and books.

-I can't write books because it needs an inborn talent.

-I usually read about the latest news.

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