Автор - Vnukov

13. Вставьте нужный предлог,
I'm not very keen ... classical music
A) on
13) about
C) of
D) in
) for
16. Выберите правильный вариант множественного
числа существительного,
A) Pianoics
B) Pianoss
C) Pianocs
D) Piano
E) Pianos
17. IlocTabitempejutomehWe Past Perfect,
The family ... their supper by 7 o'clock yesterday.
A) .., had finish
B) ... is finished
C) ... had finished
D) ... have finished
E) ... has finished
18. MoroJHUTE upeomehne.
1... to buy some books tomorrow
A) am going
B) is going
C) was going
D) are going
E) will be going
19 Прочитайте текст и выполните задание,
London parks are the most beautiful areas of the
city. In the summer you can sit in St. James's Park
by the side of the lake and listen to the band playing
music, Green Park is a different kind of park. It is a
quiet, wooden place Hyde Park was once part of a
forest. Nowadays, Speakers' Comer of the park is
always a centre of activity, Sunday is the most
popular day and you will usually find some people
standing on their soap-boxes and making speeches,
There is a boating lake, and skating in the winter if
the ice is 10 centimetres thick. There is an open-air
theatre where plays are put on in the summer, and a
rose garden and a restaurant,
Ответьте на вопрос,
Where do the speakers usually stand making
A) In a rose garden
B) In a wooden place.
C) At the boating lake.
D) On the soap-boxes,
E) At the open-air theatre.​


Автор - Letiravi


13 A


17 C

18 A

19 D


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