Автор - Vnukov

1 Выберите правильно построенное предложение,
A) I hoped he should understands me.
B) I hoped he would understand me.
C) I hoped he would understands me.
D) I hoped he should understand me.
E) I hoped he would understood me.
2. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква
читается отлично от других.
A) Gentle
B) Geese
C) Gaze
D) Gate
E) Garden
B, a, l, r, o, u
A) Aubrol
B) Labour
C) Roubal
D) Loubra
E) Balour
4. Выберите правильный вариант чтения
количественного числительного.
A) Two hundreds and one
B) Two hundred one
C) Two hundred and one
D) Twenty and one
E) Two hundreds one
Вставьте нужное слово.
What's her new phone ...?
It's 091-437255.
I'd like to make a ... to her.
A) numbers/dial
B) digits /ring
C) call/ call
D) dial/phone
E) number / call
6. Haéjate npalyjbHoe Mecronmehue.
My friend lives in Astana, ... is the capital of
A) whose
B) which
C) whom
D) who
E) what
7. Coorhechte JahHYIO HÄNOMY c ee 3Hayehnem.
She has a green thumb.
A) She cannot grow vegetables.
B) She likes boasting very much.
C) She does more than it is necessary.
D) She is good at growing plants.
E) She extremely young.
8. Английский город с прозвищем "The Smoke":
А) Liverpool.
В) Glasgow.
C) London
D) Dublin,
E) Manchester.
9. Закончите разделительный вопрос.
I don't meet her at 5, ...?
A) do I not
B) I do
C) I don't
D) do |
E) don't
10. Выберите слово с противоположным значением.
«To praise»
A) To practise
B) To forget
C) To defend
D) To adore
E) To insult
1. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующем
Arman was the first to recover.
A) Подлежащее
В) обстоятельство
C) Дополнение
D) Сказуемое
E) Определение
12. Найдите правильную степень сравнения
The Mississippi river is the ... waterway in the
United States.
А) greatest
B) greater
C) greaterer
D) greaterest
E) most great
13. Выберите фразовый глагол с данным значением,
«Собираться сделать что-либо»
A) To be back on something
B) To be away for a long period of time
C) To be going to do something
D) To be into somethimg
E) To be off the charge
14. Выразите одним словом.
You receive them on your birthday:
A) Good weather
B) Greetings
C) Bad marks
D) Parties
E) Classes


Автор - ZEVSA


1 C

2 B

3 B


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