Автор - SirenaSi

Retell the following jokes, use indirect speech:

1. English professor: What is the difference between an active verb and a passive verb?

Student: An active verb shows action and a passive verb shows passion.

2. Professor: Can you tell me anything about the great scientists of the 17th century?

Student: They are all dead, sir.

3. A motorist speeding along a highway at a very high speed was stopped by a policeman. ‘Was I driving too fast?’ the motorist asked apologetically. ‘Hell, no’, replied the policeman, ‘You were flying too low’.

3. Friend: And what is your son going to be when he's passed his final exam?

Father: An old man.

4. Two men were talking in a train.

"Are you going to Milberry's lecture today?" said one.

"Oh, yes, I am," replied the other.

"Take my advice and don't. I hear he is a very poor lecturer."

"I am afraid, I must go," said the other. "I'm Milberry."

5. During a lecture a well-known lecturer on economics mentioned the fact that in some parts of the world the number of men was larger than that of women, and he added humorously:

"I can therefore recommend the ladies to emigrate to that part of the world."

A young lady who was sitting in one of the last rows stood up full of anger. She was leaving the room rather noisily, when the lecturer remarked.

"I don't mean that it must be done in such a hurry as that."


Автор - valtim0708


1. English professor asks what the difference between an active verb and a passive verb is. A student answers that an active verb shows action and a passive verb shows passion.

2. Professor asks if a student can say anything about the freat scientists of the 17th century. A student answers that they are all dead.

3. A motorist asks if he was driving too fast. A policeman replied that he was flying too low.

3. A friend asks what a father's son is going to be when he has passed his final exam. A father answers that his son is going to be an old man.

4. A man asks another man if he is going to Milberry's lecture that day. The other answers positively. The first one gives a piece of advice to not go there because that lecturer is poor. The other one confesses that he is obliged to go, as he actually is that lecturer.

5. A lecturer jokingly advises ladies to emigrate to that part of the world, but then, seeing as one young lady is leaving a room, he adds that this emigration doesn't have to happen in such a rush.


В четвертом и пятом примерах небольшой вольный перефраз, но в любом случае косвенная речь правильная.

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