Автор - TimAkatsuki

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Dear Zilola,
It was great to hear from you. I always enjoy reading your
Yesterday was ‘Take your daughter to work’ day. It’s not a holiday like Women’s Day in your
country. It’s the day when mothers (and fathers) take their daughters to work with them.
The daughters spend the whole day with them at work. They see what their parents do and
they begin to understand the world of work. Everyone takes part in it when they are in Year
11 at school, that is when they are 15-16. It helps us to prepare for getting a job.
I really enjoyed the day. When we arrived at work there were other women with their
daughters. It was interesting to see what it is like to be in an office all day, to answer the
phone, to type a letter and I did some filing too, which was a bit difficult. I found out I’m
not very good at A,B,C... I was very proud to see that people respect my mother for her efficiency and her pleasant manner, which helps her to solve problems. Now I know what she
means when she talks about ‘her team’ and being part of a team. They all work together,
helping each other. It was a nice feeling. I felt part of it too. We took some photos, which
I’ll send next time I write.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Christy Moran


Автор - laskoviymay

Dear Zilola,

It was great to hear from you.

Yesterday was ‘Take your daughter to work’ day. It’s the day when parents take their daughters to work with them.

The daughters spend the whole day with them at work. They see what their parents do and  they begin to understand the world of work. Everyone takes part in it when they are 15-16 years old. It helps us to prepare for getting a job.  I enjoyed the day. When we arrived at work there were other women with their  daughters. It was interesting to see what it is like to be in an office all day, to answer the  phone, to type a letter and I did some filing too, which was a bit difficult. I was very proud to see that people respect my mother for her efficiency and her pleasant manner, which helps her to solve problems. Now I know what she  means when she talks about ‘her team’ and being part of a team. They all work together,  helping each other. We took some photos. I’ll send next time I write.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Christy Moran

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