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Автор - рыбка1593

Think for the proper But for...beginnings and write 10 sentences about yorself.1. … I wouldn't have come to school on time.
2. ...I wouldn't have understood the text.
3 ...I wouldn't have von the game.
4. ...I wouldn't have agreed.
5. ...I wouldn't have become hungry soon.
6. ... I would be happier.
7. ...I would have bought some flowers.
8. ...I wouldn't have managed to make a pie .
9. ...I would have felt embarrased.
10. ...I would be able to fix my bike.


Проверено экспертом

Автор - BioDanKo
1. But for my mom woke
me up, I wouldn't have come to school on time.

2. But for the English-Russian
dictionary, I wouldn't have understood the text.

3. But for good cards I
had in hand, I wouldn't have won the game.

4. But for your last
argument, I wouldn't have agreed.

5. But for poor
breakfast I had, I wouldn't have become hungry soon.

6. But for bad weather,
I would be happier.

7. But for missing the bus,
I would have bought some flowers.

8. But for my
grandmother’s advice, I wouldn't have managed to make a pie.

9. But for support of
my friends, I would have felt embarrassed.

10. But for my bad knowledge
of mechanics, I would be able to fix my bike.

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