Автор - АнгелочекLime

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Автор - kiuneex


Joachim Jogi Loew

Профи (529)

1) Nowadays people try to find time for travelling, because a lot of them think it is really useful, 2) I totally agree with this opinion. 3) Travelling lets you know more about cultures of different folks. 4) It gives you an opportunity to see the difference between lifestyles, menthality, and after it you will understand people of other nationalities better. 5) So, travelling teaches you how to be more tolerant . 6) Travelling gives you a chance to see all the masterpicies and tresuares of other countries with your own eyes. 7) It will definitely wide your scope. 8) Travelling also gives you an opportunity to make friends with new people. 9) When you travel you have to contact wth people, who don't speak your native language, so you have to learn some basic words from different languages. 10) No doubts, that it's very useful for your brains as your memory becomes better. 11) When you see many amazing landscapes, buildings, etc, you learn what beauty is and you start to value it. 12) New lifestyle during your travelling lets you think your daily problems through and maybe you will find a solution for them and you will decide to change something in your life. 13) So, everybody should try to travel, it's one of the best variants of timespending.

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