Автор - lus37ff34

Переведите вопросы с русского на английский

1.Есть ли у них отец?
2.Как зовут брата Айиты?
3.Есть ли у Айиты дальние родственники?
4.Участвовали ли они в других конкурсах?
4.Сколько лет ей, маме и брату лет?
5.Как зовут их отца?
6.Сколько раз мама и дочь участвовали?
7.Есть ли у них бабушка и дедушка?
8.Откуда у них костюмы?
9.Есть ли у брата ещё сестра или брат?
10.Почему именно погремушки и водяные барабан?

(Эти вопросы заданы по этому тексту)


Автор - hfabr


1.Did they have a father?

2.What is Ayita's brother's name?

3.Did Ayita have distant relatives?

4.Did they participate in other competitions?

4.How old was she, her mother, and her brother?

5.What was their father's name?

6.How many times did mom and daughter participate?

7.Do they have grandparents?

8.Where did they get the costumes?

9.Does the brother still have a sister or a brother?

10.Why rattles and water drum?



Автор - silly0schoolboy0
  1. Did they have a father?
  2. What is Ayita's brother's name?
  3. Did Ayita have distant relatives?
  4. Did they participate in other competitions?
  5. How old was she, her mother, and her brother?
  6. What was their father's name?
  7. How many times did mom and daughter participate?
  8. Do they have grandparents?
  9. Where did they get the costumes?
  10. Does the brother still have a sister or a brother?
  11. Why rattles and water drum?

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