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Автор - tirminator

Проверьте правильность вопросов:
1.Florence Nightingale got her name from the city of Florence,isn't  it?
2.At that time women didn't work,they served tea and gave parties,isn't it?
3.Florence didn't like this lifestyle,since she was interested in books and medicine and wanted to go to university,isn't it?
4.At first her family was against it, but after many emotional battles her father agreed,isn't it?
5.She got a good education in Germany and started to work in a hospital when she came back to England
,isn't it?
6.March 1854 brought the start of the Crimean War when Britain, France and Turkey declared war on Russia,isn't it?
7.Florence Nightingale left England and became a nursing admistrator of the English General Hospitals in Turkey,she took 38 other nurses with her and together they went to battlefields and organized hospitals,isn't it?
8.Why wounded soldiers called her an angel?
9.Florence Nightingale has stayed in history as "the Lady with the Lamp", the first professional nurse who saved thousands of lives,isn't it?


Автор - жеже
1.Florence Nightingale got her name from the city of Florence, didn't she?
2.At that time women didn't work,they served tea and gave parties,did they?
3.Florence didn't like this lifestyle,since she was interested in books and medicine and wanted to go to university, did she?
4.At first her family was against it, but after many emotional battles her father agreed, didn't he?
5.She got a good education in Germany and started to work in a hospital when she came back to England
,didn't she?
6.March 1854 brought the start of the Crimean War when Britain, France and Turkey declared war on Russia, didn't it?
7.Florence Nightingale left England and became a nursing admistrator of the English General Hospitals in Turkey,she took 38 other nurses with her and together they went to battlefields and organized hospitals, didn't she?
8.Why wounded soldiers called her an angel, didn't they?
9.Florence Nightingale has stayed in history as "the Lady with the Lamp", the first professional nurse who saved thousands of lives, hasn't she?

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