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Автор - vainyouth

Нужно перевести текст на английский язык.

Мне кажется, что медицинские работники – это особые люди, с каким-то своим складом мышления. Такая работа – это необычная работа, как, например, у офисных работников, где, на мой взгляд, все достаточно однообразно, одинаковые серые дни. А здесь – постоянно что-то новое, постоянно какой-то мыслительный процесс в голове. Это возможность приносить огромную пользу человечеству. По-настоящему помогать и видеть благодарность в глазах пациентов после того, как ты им помог.


Автор - kaaa7ya
It seems to me that medical workers are special people, with some kind of their own way of thinking. Such work is an unusual work, as, for example, for office workers, where, in my opinion, everything is pretty monotonous, the same gray days. And here - constantly something new, always some kind of thought process in the head. This is an opportunity to bring great benefits to humanity. To truly help and see gratitude in the eyes of patients after you have helped them.


Автор - nunny

It seems to me that medical workers are special people who have their own way of thinking. This kind of work is not a ordinary one, like that of an office worker, which, in my opinion, is quite monotonous - the same gray days. While in this case there is always something new, there is constant work of brain going on in the head. This is an opportunity to give great benefits to humanity - to provide real help and see gratitude in the patients' eyes when you have helped them.

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