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Автор - jolieangelina

ВЛОЖЕНИЕ. Задание: По таблице составить предложения с 1 по 6 время (таблица во вложении и там цифры отмечены). Предложения утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные. Всего 18 предложений. БУДУ ОЧЕНЬ БЛАГОДАРНА И КОНЕЧНО ПОСТАВЛЮ ЛУЧШЕЕ.


Автор - lovejoy
I swim every Monday. I don't swim on Friday. Do you swim on Saturday?
2 I worked yesterday. He didn't work last month. Did you work 2 days ago&
3 you will come tomorrow. Will he come next Friday? they Will not com  tomorrow/
4 I'm reading now. Are you cooking now? he isn't learning now
5 i was reading yesterday at 5 o'clock. what were you doing yesterday at 5 o'clock? he wasn't singing yesterday at 5 o'clock
6 they will be watching Tv at 6 o'clock tomorrow. Will you be working at 6 o'clock tomorrow? she will not be sleeping at 6 o'clock tomorrow


Автор - dAlison
I write tests twice a week.

I do not write tests twice a week.

Do you write tests twice a week?

I wrote a test yesterday.

I did not write a test yesterday.

Did you write a test yesterday?

I shall write a test tomorrow.

I shall not write a test tomorrow.

you write a test tomorrow?

I am writing a test now.

I am not writing a test now.

Are you writing a test now?

I was writing a test at that moment.

I was not writing a test at that moment.

Were you writing a test at that moment?

I shall be writing a test tomorrow.

I shall not be writing a test tomorrow.

Will you be writing a test tomorrow?











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