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Comparison of adjectives 1. Complete the gaps with the correct superlative/comparative forms of the words in brackets. 1.Let’s go by car. It’s (cheap)____. 2. You’re (old)__ than me. 3.I’d like to have a (big)___ car. 4. Can you walk a bit (much)__ slowly? 5.The garden looks( good)___ since you tidied it up. 6. Let me know if you hear any (far)___ news. 7.I’ve waited long enough. I’m not waiting any (long)___. 8.It’s becoming(hard)___ and (hard) ___ to find a job. 9.These days(much)____ and (much) ___ people are learning English. 10. The(much)___electricity you use, the (high)___ your bill will be. 11.Our hotel was (cheap)__ than all the others in the town. 12. Spring is a very busy time for me. It is( busy) ____ time of the year. 13. Why does he always come to see me at (bad)___ possible moment? 14.We had a great holiday. It was one of ( enjoyable)___ holidays we’ve ever had. 15.What’s( quick)___ way of getting from here to the station? 16.Travelling is becoming (expensive)___ and (expensive) ____. 17.Tom looks (old)___ than he really is. 18. The(much)___ I thought about the plan, the (little)___ I liked it. 19. Could you speak a bit(much)___ slowly? 20.I’m sorry I’m late. I got here as (fast) ____ as I could. 21.I’d like to have a (much)___ reliable car. 22.It’s a long walk from here to the station-(far)____ than I thought. 23.I know him probably (good)__ than anybody else. 24. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s (comfortable)___. 25. It was an awful day. It was (bad)___ day of my life. 26. Ann is(little)___hardworking than Jim. 27.Your English is improving. It’s getting(good) __ and (good)___. 28.There’s plenty of food.You can have as (much)__ as you like. 29. I didn’t spend as (much)___ money as you. You spend (much) ___ money than me.

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