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Автор - tkuzmin31

1. Are you learning poems for the concert?
2. Have you already learned this poem by heart?
3. Do you prefer to go to the theatre or cinema?
4. What books have you bought?
5. Do you cook a tasty dinner every Sunday?
6. Where were you last night?
7. Did a reporter or a doctor come to our school yesterday?
8. Can you swim in the sea?
9. Why did you go the 10th form?
10. What foreign language do you speak?
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Проверено экспертом

Автор - nad2506


1. He asked me if I was learning poems for the concert.

2. He asked me if I had already learned this poem by heart.

3. He asked me if I preferred to go to the theatre or cinema.

4. He asked me what books I had bought.

5. He asked me if I cooked a tasty dinner every Sunday.

6. He asked me where I had been the night before.

7. He asked me if a reporter of a doctor had come to our school the day before.

8. He asked me if I could swim in the sea.

9. He asked me why I had gone to the 10th form.

10.He asked me what foreign language I spoke.


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