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Автор - eliseev5735

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Автор - OlgaKorableva


Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter! I'm happy to hear from you! It is nice to hear that you are fond of sport! It is also good that you plan you r day and can combine your sport activity and your free time.

As for me, I'm used to plan my day but not tha strictly. Let me tell you more about it. At the beginning of my day I know exactly what I will do during my day. So, the half of the day I spend at school. After that if my evening is free I take some time for myself and simply relax: I watch TV, read book, talk with my friends and after couple of hours I beging doing my homework, and since I don't need to do something else, I try to prepare homework on some subjects beforehand, so I have more free time in the other days when I have my extracurricular activity. That helps me to do all my homework qualitatively and in time.

What about you? Tell me more about your activities after school. What do you do except the sport? How do you plan your day?

Write me back as soon as possible.

Best wishes,



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