Автор - ЮюЛлЯ

нужно 5 предложений отрицательных,положительных,вопросительных
с конструкцией-
There is
There are


Автор - lilmarlen
1. There is a pen.
There is a dog
There is a house near the shop.
There is a theatre opposite that block of flats.
There is a bed in my room.
There are pencils.
There are cats.
There are many shops in my district.
There are some apples in the fridge.
There are two chairs in his room.
2. There isn't a garden behind my cottage.
There isn't a pillow on the sofa.
There isn't a book on the table.
There isn't a theatre in my district.
There isn't a mirror in my room.
There aren't any books in my bag.
There aren't grapes on the table.
There aren't any cottages in my district.
There aren't clothes in the wordrobe.
There aren't any notes in your textbook.
3. Is there a shop near hear?
Is there a bookshelf in your room?
Is there any food in the fridge?
Is there a diningroom in your flat?
Is there an orange on the table?
Are there any museums near hear?
Are there any mary-go-roinds near his cottage?
Are there any animals in the zoo?
Are there any tickets for the bus?
Are there any windows in your room?

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