Автор - vikakot696

I. Choose the right form of the verb: Present Simple or Past Simple (Выберете правильную форму глагола: простое настоящее или простое прошедшее время)
1. Harry never … to work by bus.
a) go
b) do goes
c) does
d) goes
2. She … chocolate.
a) likes not
b) not like
c) don’t like
d) doesn’t like
3. We always … to bed early.
a) goes
b) doesn’t go
c) go
d) goes
4. Mary … a lot last year.
a) travelled
b) travels
c) travelling
d) did travel
5. Mum … any gifts yesterday.
a) brought not
b) didn’t bring
c) doesn’t bring
d) didn’t brought
6. Where … this kitten?
a) did you find
b) you did find
c) found you
d) did you found
7. What flat … in ?
a) did she lived
b) does she live
c) did she lives
d) does she lived
8. Ann … at home last Sunday, she went to a party.
a) didn’t stayed
b) didn’t stays
c) didn’t stay
d) did stay not
9. How is Mary? … her on Monday?
a) was you see
b) did you see
c) do you see
d) are you see
10. My friend and I … to read English books.
a) like
b) likes
c) doesn’t like
d) didn’t liked

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form of Present Simple or Past Simple (Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму глагола в простом настоящем или простом прошедшем времени)
1.She (to go) to Great Britain in 2010 and she liked it very much.
2.They (to have) a nice weekend last week.
3.What your sister (to do) every Sunday? – She (to meet) with her relatives.
4.His brother (to come) yesterday? – No, he (not / to come). He (to be) busy.
5.You (to get) up early on Sunday? – Yes. But last Sunday I (to get) up at ten o’clock.
6.How many lessons you (to have) every day?
7.Your brother (to be) a teacher? – Yes, he (to become) a teacher two years ago.
8.She (not / to understand) the teacher at the last lesson.


Проверено экспертом

Автор - Tulip1991
1. Harry never … to work by bus.

d) goes

2. She … chocolate.

d) doesn’t like

3. We always … to bed early.

c) go

4. Mary … a lot last year.

a) travelled

5. Mum … any gifts yesterday.

b) didn’t bring

6. Where … this kitten?

a) did you find

7. What flat … in ?

b) does she live

8. Ann … at home last Sunday, she went to a party.

c) didn’t stay

9. How is Mary? … her on Monday?

b) did you see

10. My friend and I … to read English books.
a) like

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form of Present Simple or Past Simple (Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму глагола в простом настоящем или простом прошедшем времени)
1.She went to Great Britain in 2010 and she liked it very much.
2.They had a nice weekend last week.
3.What does your sister do every Sunday? – She meets with her relatives.
4.Did his brother come.yesterday? – No, he didn't come. He was busy.
5.Do you get up early on Sunday? – Yes. But last Sunday I got up at ten o’clock.
6.How many lessons do you have every day?
7.Is your brother a teacher? – Yes, he became a teacher two years ago.
8.She didn't understand the teacher at the last lesson.

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