Автор - Дарина2259

ДАЮ 50баллоВ...

A chocolate-making business

The Cancun Chocolate Factory    (set up) in 2006. We   

(produce) chocolate the traditional way. All our beans    (source) from sustainable farms and plantations. All the chocolate    (make) by hand. Since 2006, we    3 (expand) throughout Mexico. We    (open) our first

Chocolate Cafe last year. The cafe    (sell) chocolate products, coffee and chocolate drinks, and chocolate desserts. Our cafe    (appear) on network TV last year, and  we    (describe) as "the best chocolate in Mexico’.

This week, we    (launch) a new range of exciting products. Next year, we

    " (offer) tours of the factory. You    12 (take) on a one-hour tour

and tasting experience. Why not try our chocolate? We know you    13 (love) it.

You    14 (find) more information on our website, which    b

(currently update).​


Автор - Kristilna

The Cancun Chocolate Factory was set up in 2006.We produce chocolate the traditional way. All our beans are sourced from sustainable farms and plantations. All the chocolate is made by hand. Since 2006, we have expanded throughout Mexico. We opened our first Chocolate Cafe last year. The cafe sells chocolate products, coffee and chocolate drinks, and chocolate desserts. Our cafe has appeared on network TV last year, and we were described as 'the best chocolate in Mexico'. This week, we launch a new range of exciting products. Next year, we will offer tours of the factory. You can take on a one-hour tour and tasting experience. Why not try our chocolate? We know you will love it. You can find more information on our website, which is currently updated. Думаю так


Автор - slyuda1955

1 was set up

2 produce

3 are sourced

4 is made

5 have expanded

6 opened

7 sells

8 appeared

9 were described

10 are launching

11 will offer

12 will be taken

13 will love

14 will find

15 is being currently updated

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