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Автор - dits255

Придумайте сочинение о плохом путешествии с использованием ниже перечисленных слов на английском (8-10 предложений)
get sunstroke, miss their flight, get seasick, car breaks down, have a flat tyre, lose the way, luggage/wallet gets stolen, have an accident, weather gets bad, lose passport


Автор - jjrkroeksoekek

Have you ever had a trip that turned out to be a disaster? I do, and I want to tell you about it.

My friend and I were going to Romania. When we arrived at the airport, it turned out that Nick had lost his passport. It was terrible, but then we found his passport and flew to Romania. We flew odnako vyjasnilos was that our Luggage was lost .also, the Weather for our arrival was spoiled. It was raining heavily. We called a taxi, on the way the driver's wheel went down and we almost had an accident. We stayed at a cheap hotel. Nick was offered a Spa treatment, but during the Spa he got sunstroke.I didn't know how it happened.

On the second day of my journey, I took a ticket on the liner and it was a mistake, knowing that I was seasick, I swam many miles in a terrible state. I couldn't think and Nick couldn't answer the phone so I went to the hotel myself but I got lost on the way. I didn't know what to do.

In the end, the trip became unbearable for me and I took tickets a day earlier .

So.... I missed my flight .I was shattered. I was morally hurt. It was the worst ride of my life.

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